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Book Review – The Silver Queen and Other Dragon Tales by Naomi Lastrucci

Book Review – The Silver Queen and Other Dragon Tales by Naomi Lastrucci

(Blurb and cover taken from Goodreads)

Official blurb:

A battle between a dragon and a knight… from the dragon’s perspective.
A boy who must negotiate his way out of being eaten.
And a young outcast drake desperately searching for a way to fit in.

These are the tales that await you in the pages of The Silver Queen, a collection of three short stories about dragons!

My rating: Five stars out of five.

I just want to start off by saying I’m not usually a fan of short stories. I always want more. And sometimes I feel like not much of a story can be told in such a short amount of time.

But these stories are awesome.

The Silver Queen is by far my favorite story ever. Faye is that dragon that doesn’t fit in, and yet finds a way to shine. She is that person (dragon) in all of us that just wants to find our purpose in life.

Defender speaks to me as well. It shows us the side of the story from the dragon’s point of view instead of the knight’s. There is a story you don’t know behind every creature.

Beastly Pains is so clever. I’ll let you find out why.

Overall, these are quite unique fantasy stories that will leave you with a good feeling. Especially if you like dragons!

(Disclaimer: I get commissions for purchases made through this link. This did not influence my review.)

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